project name | country | status |
Sanitation and Community Development Project In Sohani, Rani Bazaar, Dhatta Tole | Nepal | started 2005 |
El Salvador Community Water System and Infrastructure Development | El Salvador | started 2004 |
Water, Education, and Capacity Building Project Namje Village, Nepal | Nepal | started October 2003 |
Developing rural water supply in Anambra State of Nigeria | Nigeria | started 2003 |
Higher Education Capacity Building in Moldova | Moldova | started 2003 |
project name | country | status |
Nepal Drinking Water And Sanitation, Dhanusha District | Nepal | completed 2005 |
Pesticide Use Limits for Protection of Human Health in Inle Lake (Myanmar) Watershed | Burma | completed 2002 |
Modeling the Response of Phosphorus Loading to Lake Villarrica, Chile | Chile | completed 2000 |
The Effect of the Košice Wastewater Treatment Plant on the Hernad and Hornád Rivers | Slovak Republic | completed 1999 |
Applying the Total Maximum Daily Load Process to Control Phosphorus Entering Ruzín Reservoir | Slovak Republic | completed 1998 |
Controlling Ammonia Pollution in the Upper Hornád River Watershed | Slovak Republic | completed 1998 |