A registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization
5706 43rd Avenue NE
Seattle, WA 98105
Empowering communities to protect their health and environment through the sustainable use of water resources.
LEI News:
Listen to LEI on Chicago Public Radio: Drinking with Worldview ustainable Water Use
View the LEI documentary showing successful community development work in the Dhanusha District of Nepal: Mili Juli Khane Pani – Working Together for Clean Water (23 minutes, 70 megabytes, Windows media format)
LEI New York event: “Shikshya Ko Asha” Hope for Education, Saturday, December 3, 2005. See flyer (pdf) for details.
The 2004 Annual Report for the Living Earth Institute is now available. You can view it here (pdf, 2mb) or contact us to request a hard copy.
Dhanusha Community Development Project Completion Report: Rajul and Mujelia villages (pdf)
The Living Earth Institute has created an exciting new partnership with the Rotary International “Clean Water Initiative Project” (CWIP). Through the contriubion of varioius Rotary Clubs, CWIP directly funds low cost water projects in developing countries . LEI’s tube well and latrine construction programs in Nepal have been approved by Rotary International, and we have received grants through CWIP to continue this work in villages lacking clean water. For more information Rotary International’s CWIP, please go to: www.rotarycleanwater.org.
LEI received a grant from Puget Sound Partners for Global Health to conduct a Health Impact Study of the Dhanusha Community Drinking Water and Sanitation Project (PDF).
LEI is now a member of the King County Employee Charitable Campaign. If you are an employee of King County, you can contribute directly through your workplace. For more information see http://www.metrokc.gov/giving/.